Are you are feeling the pressure of not enough time in the day? Is your family over-scheduled and overwhelmed, or just as busy as you are? Who will pick up the slack? Many families today have few minutes left over in the day to tackle ordinary housecleaning chores. If you and your family is trapped in a time crunch, it may be time to reevaluate priorities to insure that necessary maintenance for your home is included. More...
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To Weekend Warriors:
According to the major findings of the Sixth Edition of The Shell Poll, nearly half of working-age Americans say they have no more than four hours of leisure time on a typical weekend day. In addition, 42% say their weekends are so busy that they don't seem like a real break.
Of working mothers, 64% report that they do what they have to do on the weekends, rather than what they want to. For example, 98% spend at least some weekend time doing chores around the house or in the yard, and 92% run errands during this time.
Cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming carpets, cleaning the bathrooms, doing the laundry, straightening up bedrooms, mopping the floors and dusting... Any and all of these chores are important to you. If it’s a home or apartment that needs cleaning, we will do it, thoroughly and responsibly, at any time of any day.
Whatever your cleaning needs are, they will be attended to by our honest , trustworthy, and dependable staff. Our company is fully bonded and insured and priced competitively with any company in South Eastern Pennsylvania. We always remember: it's important for us to do not just a great, but exceptional job! Why not have your next weekend off and let dedicated professionals take care of the job?

To Busy Professionals:
We understand busy professionals; we are busy cleaning professionals ourselves. We understand the busy lives and hectic schedules you endure every day. We know about the traffic and the day care; the crowded supermarkets and parking tickets.
Most importantly we understand the old adage that “time is money”, but for your, dear professional, our time is worth more. More than for anyone else in the world, for you, busy professional, time is of the essence.
TruClean already understood the unique qualities of professional's life. We are not a chain or a franchise or a publicly owned company. We deal with every client on a personal level. When you give us a call you won’t be confronted with an endless voice menu, someone's mailbox that is invariably full, or a secretary that will take a message and “call you later.” When you call us you have the ability to speak or leave a message directly to the owner.
Our world is now filled with time saving devices that make our lives easier. From the GPS system in your car to the restaurant finder app on your iPhone, we are surrounded by items that enhance our lives by making more time available for the things in life that are really important. We can eliminate the mundane chore of cleaning from your life. That is what TruClean will do for you.

To Business Owners:
In every business field there is one firm that strives to be the industry leader. When it comes to business or medical office cleaning, we are that company. The reason for this can be found in the principles that form the basis of our company; to provide the highest quality work at the lowest price. Our desire is not be the largest cleaning company, only the best.
Any organization is only as good as the people it employs and it's the quality and work ethic of our staff that sets us apart from every other firm.
We are so confident in our ability to provide superior service that we are willing to provide cleaning 15% less than what you are now paying, for a period of three months. That's correct, for the first three months we guarantee that your cleaning costs will be 15% less than what you are paying now. After the initial three month period is over, we guarantee that your costs will still be 10% lower than what you currently pay.
Today's difficult financial atmosphere demands fiscal responsibility at every level. By choosing TruClean, you won't sacrifice quality work to save money. Let our courteous, honest and efficient staff give your company the careful attention it deserves.

To Retirees:
As you know, a house or apartment requires a definite amount of cleaning to keep it in optimum condition. You may be doing this yourself, or possibly you are looking for someone to perform these tasks to free yourself for other activities.
Or, if you already employ a house cleaner, you may be dissatisfied with their performance but have not sought out someone else thinking that better cannot be had;
It is our most often heard complaint that good house cleaners are hard to find. Besides this, a high rate of turnover in house cleaners and an extreme range in the quality of their cleaning, are the next two most vexing problems. After a succession of indifferent house cleaners many people often resign themselves to a lower standard of cleaning than they would like to maintain.
TruClean offers a remedy. We differ from the usual cleaning service in a number of important ways,
First, we keep in touch with the customer to insure that there is no falling off of standards. We maintain our high quality of service by carefully screening our house cleaner applicants to find the most energetic and reliable people who will value the job and thus take an interest in their work.
If you are considering a housecleaning service, or are thinking of changing from your present one, it will be to your advantage to try TruClean. Our fee is reasonable and, with the quality of our service in mind, a good value. Our cleaners will perform most household chores and tailor the work to your needs and preferences.
Famous Quotes:
I'm not going to vacuum until Sears makes one you can ride on. ~Roseanne Barr
Honeydew day. That is when you get a day off and the wife says, "Honey, do this," and "Honey, do that" around the house. ~Jim Lemon
We labor to make a house a home, then every time we're expecting visitors, we rush to turn it back into a house. ~Robert Brault
Vacuums don't clean houses. People clean houses. ~Everybody Loves Raymond
I am thankful for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.... I am thankful for the piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby. ~Nancie J. Carmody
There's nothing to match curling up with a good book when there's a repair job to be done around the house. ~Joe Ryan
A man builds a fine house; and now he has a master, and a task for life: he is to furnish, watch, show it, and keep it in repair, the rest of his days. ~Ralph Waldo Emerso